HiPerGator-RV Account Creation

Follow the steps below to request a HiPerGator-RV account.

Step 1: Collect information

Get a faculty sponsor.

  • If you are faculty, you can be your own sponsor.
  • If you are student, postdoctoral fellow, or staff you need a faculty sponsor who will approve you being added to some project under her/his supervision and funding.
  • People not associated with UF can be sponsored by faculty at UF. They need to go through the extra step of getting a GatorLink login set up with affiliation with UFIT Research Computing. Please email requests to support@rc.ufl.edu.

Classify restriction type.

Identify the project you will be working on and the restrictions on the data associated with that project. There are a few categories that are most common and they are listed here. If your data falls under another category, contact UFIT Research Computing at info@rc.ufl.edu for assistance in determining the data category.

  • PHI – Protected Health Information (PHI) covered by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  • FERPA – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
  • PII – Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
  • ITAR – International Trade of Arms Regulation (ITAR) or Export Administration Regulation (EAR)
  • CUI – Other Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
  • IP – Intellectual Property (IP)

Step 2: Take training

Ensure that you have taken the required training listed under each category in myTraining and that you are current; otherwise, your account request will not be approved.

Note: The training credential does not appear in myUFL until the day after you take a course in myTraining. Do not proceed to the next step until the day after completing all training.

Step 3: Install HiPerGator-RV and create the private key

  1. Visit HiPerGator-RV Client Download and install the client, following the instructions there.
  2. Once you have received account activation acknowledgment, launch HiPerGator-RV again and upload your private key.

Important notes

  • You need to make sure you can remember this password. For security reasons this password does not exist on any server. No one else in the world knows or can reset it. Write the password on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope and store it in a secure place at home, or perhaps store a copy in safety deposit box.
  • You must also make a copy of the file created and encrypted with that password. Save it on a USB key and a copy on some file system from a UF server. Do not store it in the cloud.
  • You need to upload your key every time you want to work with HiPerGator-RV.

Once you have logged in, you can view HiPerGator-RV's User Instructions page for videos on how to perform common actions.