Proposal Support

UFIT Research Computing can be partners in your proposal by providing proven support options that make your proposal more competitive. Making use of the existing infrastructure provided by the University with support from the Provost, the VP for Research, and the VP and Chief Information Officer will also stretch your budget further.

There are four components in a proposal that can benefit from the examples and templates shown below:

  • The budget needs to add the cost of the service or hardware acquisition in the appropriate place on the budget form.
  • Some proposals may need a commitment letter from UFIT Research Computing. We will be happy to write a letter for your specific project.
  • A document with the description of the facilities provided by UFIT Research Computing in support of your project is available for you to include in the facilities section.
  • The inclusion of an explicit data management plan is now required by most funding agencies including the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

In addition, you will need to provide a justification in the proposal description or proposal narrative for the requested acquisition of services. We show two examples of how to write such a justification here:

Please, do not hesitate to contact us with questions about writing a proposal. It is our mission to help you and make your proposal as competitive as possible.