Data Removal

Pending a storage investment expiration

UFIT Research Computing actions

  • Notice is sent to the investor one month before expiration. If this would result in no quota, additional warnings are added to the notice.
    • Repeat notices will also be sent at two weeks, one week, and one day before expiration.

Recommended Sponsor Actions

  • Invest into sufficient storage resources to contain the current and future data.
  • Remove a sufficient amount of data to contain the usage within the new quota.

After a storage investment expiration

If the group still has a storage quota

UFIT Research Computing Actions

  • The group will be unable to write to the respective storage system until the sponsor takes action. Automatic data removal procedure will not activate.

Recommended Sponsor Actions

  • Invest into storage resource to increase the storage allocation.
  • Remove data to reduce the use within the new quota.
  • Notify UFIT Research Computing that the data is abandoned.

If all investments have expired and no active storage allocation remains

UFIT Research Computing Actions

  • Immediate automatic notification/portal alert: Notification sent to sponsor and co-sponsors/admins that data cannot be written and will become inaccessible but recoverable in two weeks.
  • At two weeks, the data is made inaccessible and invisible to users and retained for two additional weeks.
  • Four weeks after expiration UFIT Research Computing staff reserve the right to delete the data without the possibility of data recovery.

Recommended Sponsor Actions

  • Invest into storage resources to increase the storage allocation.
  • Confirm that the data is not needed and will be removed with no possibility of recovery.