

To obtain a UFIT Research Computing account, you must be sponsored by a UF faculty member. Faculty members may sponsor students, postdoctoral fellows, or colleagues with whom they are collaborating on research. Collaborators do not have to be employed by or associated with UF.

Authorized Activities

UFIT Research Computing facilities are for official UF research only and are not to be used for personal activities of any kind.


UFIT Research Computing does not manage user passwords. GatorLink credentials are used throughout the system.

Account Expiration

In general, HiPerGator accounts are considered expired if:

  • There has been no activity on the HiPerGator account for 365 days, or
  • The user’s GatorLink account expires

When either of these are fulfilled, the account in question will be removed from the system and all data will be deleted.

Accounts created specifically for use in a class will expire when that class section is finished and will be removed shortly thereafter. This also includes deletion of all of the account’s data. Please see Services – Teaching Support for details.

If you no longer need your UFIT Research Computing account, it is best that you notify us and make arrangements to preserve any data that you do not wish to be deleted.

Account Sharing

As mandated by the UF Acceptable Use Policy, sharing your account and access information with another user is not permitted. This is in your best interest, since you can never be sure what another person may do while logged into your account. You are responsible for all activity that takes place under your account. If there are other members of your group who need access, we will be happy to create an account for them, provided they have the required sponsorship.