Steve Simms
OpenSFS President, Indiana University
Stephen Simms manages the High Performance File Systems group at Indiana University. He has been in HPC for 20 years and has spent 14 of those years working with his team to use the high performance Lustre file system in production and pioneer its use across wide area networks.

Peter Jones
LWG Chair, Director of Engineering, Whamcloud
Peter Jones runs the Whamcloud engineering division at DDN. He has been active in the Lustre community for 15 years and is currently co-lead of the OpenSFS Lustre Working Group and a Director of the Administrative council for EOFS.

Gordon McPheeters
As the file system technical lead for HPC storage, Gordon McPheeters has been instrumental in architecting and supporting HPC storage facilities with the ALCF. The systems he is responsible for include the parallel file system clusters for Mira, Theta and Cooley. Gordon also lends his expertise to the Aurora project, as he excels at identifying, testing and assessing emerging technologies. Gordon joined the ALCF from IBM, where he worked on GPFS parallel file system development.

Shawn Hall
OpenSFS Board Member, BP
Shawn Hall’s experience is in large scale system administration, having worked with high performance computing clusters in industry and academia. He has worked on many aspects of large scale systems and his interests include parallel file systems, configuration management, performance analysis, and security. Shawn holds a B.S. and M.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Ohio State University.

Gabriel Verdejo Alvarez
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Mr. Gabriel Verdejo Alvarez is the IT manager at the Research and Development Lab (/rdlab) since 2010, and full-time staff at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Computer Science Department (CS), after 2003. Previously, worked as a senior IT consultant for innovation and database processes. The /rdlab provides specific IT support for the UPC research groups, fellow universities and research centers in their national and European projects in order to foster their technology transfer initiatives. Nowadays, over 160 researchers and 18 research groups make use of our High Performance Computing (HPC) and cloud services.

Christopher Brumgard
Chris Brumgard is an HPC systems engineer for the Technology Integration group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. His work includes a myriad of different storage areas, including utilizing NVMe performantly and seamlessly in HPC and local and distributed file systems. He has been instrumental in the deployment of Summit’s filesystem, as well as working diligently for Frontier’s upcoming filesystem. His current projects include augmenting the functionality of ZFS for HPC and new initiatives in edge computing.

Ross Miller
Ross Miller is a software developer at the National Center for Computational Sciences at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. He has B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from Baylor University and has worked on everything from embedded microprocessors for avionics up to the largest supercomputers in the world. He has been working for NCCS for the last 12 years on a variety of projects, including filesystems and telemetry monitoring systems for supercomputers.

Adam Disney
Adam Disney has worked as an HPC Storage System Engineer at Oak Ridge National Lab since 2018. He has a background in neuromorphic computing, erasure codes, HPSS development, and recently has started in Lustre development.

Dominic Manno
OpenSFS Board Member, LANL
Dominic Manno is a Scientist in High Performance Computing at Los Alamos National Laboratory. As HPC File System Technical Lead, Dominic is responsible for the design, procurement, and administrative team for all parallel file systems in LANL’s HPC data center. He has worked with the Lustre file system since 2014 with work including Lustre administration, file system performance tuning, and improving user performance for high-performance computing applications. Mr. Manno also co-leads a subset of storage research efforts at LANL’s Ultrascale Systems Research Center.

Prethvi Kashinkunti
Prethvi is a deep learning systems software engineer at NVIDIA, where he works on designing, deploying, and supporting large-scale GPU clusters for AI and HPC applications. He began at NVIDIA as a solutions architect supporting enterprise customers with deep learning inference optimization. Prethvi received his M.S. and B.S. in computer engineering from Northwestern University in Illinois, where he specialized in HPC and parallel computer architecture.

Julie Bernauer
Julie Bernauer is Director for Datacenter Systems Engineering and Applied Systems at NVIDIA Corporation. Her team focuses on several aspects of deep learning systems including performance and large scale deep learning and deployments for hyperscale and cloud services. The team builds and operates High Performance and Deep Learning platforms. One example is the Selene SuperPod who was ranked 5th in the top500 supercomputers recently and is amongst the most energy efficient. Julie joined NVIDIA in 2015 after fifteen years in academia as an expert in machine learning for computational structural biology. She obtained her PhD from Université Paris-Sud studying geometric and statistical models for modelling protein complexes. After a post-doc at Stanford University with Pr. Michael Levitt, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2013, she joined Inria, the French National Institute for Computer Science. While Senior Research Scientist at Inria, Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science at École Polytechnique and Visiting Research Scientist at SLAC, her work focused on computational methods for structural bioinformatics, specifically scoring functions for macromolecule docking using machine learning, and statistical potentials for molecular simulations.

Andres Dilger
Lustre CTO, Whamcloud
Andreas has been involved in the development of Lustre since its inception in 2000, though several companies over the past twenty years. In 2012, he took over the role of Lustre Principal Architect, and since 2018 is Principal Lustre Architect at Whamcloud/DDN.

Sebastian Buisson
Sebastien Buisson has been working with Lustre for over a decade – initially solution and development activities for Bull, but in recent years focusing on Lustre development at DDN. He is a recognized expert in the area of Lustre security within the Lustre community and has presented various topics in this area at Lustre conferences over the years. He currently works in the Whamcloud engineering division at DDN and is based in Grenoble, France.

James Beal
Welcome Sanger Institute, UK
James has been a systems administrator for over 30 years and has been a member of the Informatics Support Group at the Wellcome Sanger Institute for more than 13 years. He has been supporting Lustre during that time and OpenStack for the last 5 years.

Pavlos Antoniou
Welcome Sanger Institute, UK
Pavlos is a principal software developer/informatician for the Human Genetics Informatics group. He works closely with the faculty of Human Genetics to develop informatics solutions to analyze and visualize genomic data from population studies utilizing current technologies.

Simon Guilbault
Université Laval
Simon Guilbault has been at Université Laval for 7 years, with a focus on HPC storage systems on the national platform of Calcul Québec and Compute Canada. Most of his work involves monitoring and system performance, from low level hardware, up to user applications.